Trademark regulations in Australia
Registering a trademark can be a tricky business. This article gives you key considerations that you need to be aware of when registering your trademark in Australia.
Victoria commits to redesign, new court facilities
Faster legal services, managing COVID backlogs and inclusive designs are front of mind for two new court facility developments across Victoria.
How to lead with greater confidence
Have you ever met somebody, either in a social or professional situation, and been in awe of how much confidence they have? Did you then walk away and tell yourself, “she or he was probably born confident”, “they are obviously an extrovert” or “they must be an overachiever”? The truth is none of us are born with confidence.
How the digital age is changing #auslaw
In a speech delivered last week, Law Society of NSW president Juliana Warner detailed what she sees as being the primary changes underway in Australia’s legal profession, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic.